English - 2021-2022 (1ère) B1-B2
Teacher: Claire Vittecoq - claire.vittecoq@lfmadrid.org

All the ressources which are listed here should help you pass your English exams

with flying colours


Only 6 of the 8 topics from the whole curriculum will be worked on this year in class.
1. Identities and exchanges – 2. Private vs public sphere – 3. Art and power – 4. Scientific innovations and responsibility – 5. Diversity and inclusion – 6. Virtual worlds and citizenship.

For your information: there will be 2 additional topics next year in Terminale:
- Fiction and reality
- Territory and memory.

but apart from this work done mainly in class, there are other skills you can practise alone.
This year, you should work on:
- your listening skills (check the 2nd tab above)
One of your tests will consist in listening to a 1'30 audio / video and show you have understood it.
- your language skills (vocab and grammar -> check the 3rd and 4th tab above).
- your argumentative skills (you should be able to debate on any issue -> give arguments and examples to justify your opinion, anticipate counter-arguments, be convincing etc.)
In your writing exams, you will be given essay questions / you will be asked to give your opinion on controversial issues and justify it.
- your writing skills (you should master any type of writing, its layout or format and its expected content, be it a letter, an email, a diary, a blog, a dialogue, a news article or a speech).
- your speaking and interaction skills.
Next year, you will have to speak about some unknown documents connected to one of the 8 notions you have studied in 1ère and terminale + present the work you have done in class on this notion.
Curriculum: What are the 8 topics to be studied this year and next year?